Five to Thrive

Five to Thrive


An evidence-backed email course that will teach you how to build nervous system regulation in just five days

The email course is zero-cost — enroll below to take part
"The state of your nervous system in each moment is a force multiplier for reaching your greatest potential.”
— Jonny Miller

🧑‍🎓 What You Will Learn ~

Hundreds of hours of research distilled into five days of practical knowledge. Enrolment is totally free.

Day One ~

The Operating Manual for Your Nervous System

Protocol #1 // Conquer Anxiety ~ with 7 minutes to Calm

Day Two ~

How to Nourish Your Nervous System

Protocol #2 // Reset Dopamine ~ with Non-Sleep-Deep-Rest

Day Three ~

The Art and Science of Interoception

Protocol #3 // Increase Self-Awareness ~ with A.P.E. Practice

Day Four ~

Why The Best Decision Making is Emotional

Protocol #4 // Emotional Literacy ~ with Map Your Emotions

Day Five ~

How to Pay Off Your Emotional Debt

Protocol #5 //Pay off Emotional Debt ~ with Somatic Surfing

👨‍🔬 Explore the Curated Library of Studies

🙋‍♂️ About Jonny Miller